Curse of the Cat Butt
Curse of the Cat Butt
Card Description
Choose a player to be "Blind." they must shuffle and keep their cards face down until they draw a card.
Other Names
- Blind As A Bat
Pick a target player. That player must immediately make their cards BLIND by putting them face down on the table and shuffling them. The blind player is not allowed to look at any of their cards until they successfully draw a card from the Draw Pile without exploding.
On their turn, if the blind player decides to play any cards, those cards must be picked randomly and played face up on the Discard Pile. If the card is playable, play as normal.
Included In
Curse of the Cat Butt card CAN be blocked by playing a
Nope card.

Curse of the Cat Butt card CANNOT be played at any time.