Barking Kitten
Card Description
When played, if anyone has another Barking Kitten they explode (or Defuse). Otherwise keep it in front of you, and it becomes a target when another one is played.
Place this card face up in front of you and ask for the other Barking Kitten. If any player has it, they are your target and must play a Defuse Card or explode. Discard both Barking Kittens at the end of the turn.
If no one has the other Barking Kitten, leave the card face up in front of you. (You cannot play it again, and it is not part of your hand.) When someone plays the other Barking Kitten, you are their target and you must play a Defuse Card or explode.
If you get both Barking Kittens (even if you've already played one), play them together and pick any player as your target.
It is still your turn after playing this card.
Like all Kittens, Barking Kittens cannot be Noped.
Rules for this card have been updated on newer versions.
If someone has a Barking Kitten, they give you half of their cards. Choose and return the same number of cards. Otherwise, keep this card in front of you.
If you play a Barking Kitten while blind, you may not look at any of the incoming or outgoing cards.
If a Barking Kitten is played and a blind player has the other Barking Kitten, they may look at their cards to discard their Barking Kitten, then shuffle their cards blindly and proceed with the normal Barking Kittens rules blindly.
If you have a Barking Kitten card face up in front of you and become blind (or play one when blind), keep the Barking Kitten visible to all players.
In all cases, after resolving the Barking Kittens, both players may look at their new hands to see if they now have an Exploding Kitten without a Streaking Kitten that must be Defused.
Place this card face up in front of you and ask for the other Barking Kitten. If any player has it, they are your target and must give you half their cards (rounding up). Combine them with your hand, then choose and return the same number of cards back to them (it’s fine if any/all of the cards were originally theirs), then discard both Barking Kittens.
If no one has the other Barking Kitten, leave the card face up in front of you. (You cannot play it again, and it is not part of your hand.) When someone plays the other Barking Kitten, you are their target.
If you get both Barking Kittens (even if you’ve already played one), play them together and pick any player as your target.
Like all Kittens, Barking Kittens cannot be Noped.