Attack 2x
Attack 2x
Card Description
End your turn without drawing a card. Force the next player to take two turns.
Do not draw any cards. Instead, immediately force the next player to take 2 turns in a row. Play then continues from that player. The victim of this card takes a turn as normal (pass-or-play then draw). Then, when their first turn is over, it's their turn again.
If the victim of an Attack Card plays an Attack Card on any of their turns, the new target must take any remaining turns plus the number of attacks on the Attack Card just played (e.g. 4 turns, then 6, and so on).
Included In
Exploding Kittens: Original Edition
• 4 cards
Exploding Kittens: NSFW Edition
• 4 cards
Exploding Kittens: Cat Burglar Edition
• 4 cards
Exploding Kittens: Party Pack Edition
• 5 cards
Exploding Kittens: Recipes for Disaster
• 6 cards
Exploding Kittens: Good vs. Evil
• 2 cards
Exploding Kittens: Zombie Kittens
• 2 cards
Exploding Kittens 2-Player Edition
• 2 cards
Attack 2x card CAN be blocked by playing a
Nope card.

Attack 2x card CANNOT be played at any time.